Mikhail Fridman
Страницы (1):
Partner of Russian oligarch Maksym Krippa expands influence in Ukrainian media
A new media tycoon is emerging in Ukraine, quietly acquiring one media outlet after another. Over the past year, Tetiana Snopko, a resident of Dnipro, has already taken over two media holdings and appears eager to expand her portfolio.
Andrey Martynyuk and his companies: how the hidden scheme of Fresh Forex continues to siphon money from naive clients
After the scandals two years ago involving the Fresh Forex Ukraine exchange, it appeared that the company had ceased to operate, and law enforcement had brought the criminal cases against its owner, Andrey Martynyuk, to a logical conclusion.
How Mikhail Fridman, Herman Gref, and Rustem Mirgalimov turned "Tavros" into a money "laundering" scheme
The beneficiary of MC "Tavros" businessman Rustem Mirgalimov, along with the heads of Alfa-Bank and Sber, are using the company to transfer money to Qatar.
Real estate and offshore companies: How "Kronung" by Ignatiy Nayda and Philipp Shrage withdraws funds from Russian banks through shell companies
Under the guise of investing in real estate in Europe and the UAE, the St. Petersburg construction company "Kronung" and its owners Ignatiy Nayda and Philipp Shrage channel funds from private and state Russian banks abroad.
How partner of Russian oligarch and owner of illegal online casinos Maksym Kryppa is buying Ukrainian media
There is a new growing media baron in Ukraine who almost unnoticeably to the wider public buys up mass media one after another. For the last year, Tetiana Snopko, a Dnipro citizen, has already purchased two media holdings and is obviously willing to buy more.
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Закрытие «Голоса Америки»: обвинения в нарушении журналистских стандартов и политической предвзятости
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